Saturday, May 4, 2013

Church Fire

       Some of you may not know this, but at the ministry I've helped out with here in Cincinnati (DNC) while I've been at GBS was ransacked by a fire that took out a few rooms and pretty much ruined the rest of the place. According to the investigators**  it was started by an individual who entered through the lower entrance on Saturday (4/27/13).   Upon entering, the individual went to various places downstairs and began placing things by the door to steal after the fire had already been started. At some point they then went to the furnace room and got the lawnmower  which was being stored there. After they towed it across the hall to the conference room, they then stacked books and bibles on the table and placed the overturned lawnmower on-top (so the gas would leak out). We would guess that this individual then lit it, shut the door, and went upstairs where they then tried to steal more. At one point they realized the fire was officially out of hand and figured they had better get out quicker than originally planned (Yes, I create rhymes all the time-jk), so he dropped the stuff he was carrying and ran downstairs. After grabbing a Hawaiian necklace lying on the table (the only object identified as missing at this point) he exited the building. The funny thing is that the guy had a key! So made if fairly easy for investigators.. the proof lies in the pudding - he unlocked the church upon entering, and locked it back up after exiting - Pretty stupid!

The investigators said it was arson and are in search of the suspect. Hopefully the culprit will be found.

     As of today (5/4/13) (I believe) work has been in progress for three days. Thankfully no one was injured, and the church did have enough insurance. The church should be back in order in under 6 months. For now the services will be held elsewhere...

**(All information is mostly true based upon the evidence but my be somewhat skewed - we haven't exactly interviewed the person who did it.)

Upstairs Sanctuary #1:

Upstairs Sanctuary #2:

Upstairs Sanctuary #3:

Steps to Downstairs:

Downstairs Hall:

The office they broke into:

My amp that I'll HOPEFULLY get replaced (along with $150 of other electronics,etc)

Sound System:

This was the wall clock:

Lighting Upstairs:


This was kind've neat - melted plastic from the lighting on the seats.


Pastors Study:

Food Pantry:

Bathroom Area:

Teen Sunday School Room:

Large Room #1:

Large Room #2:

This is the room that the fire was started in:

Conference room:




     Initially I thought the fire was much worse - so thankfully structurally almost all is still sound. However, because of the smell and filthy residue that covers EveryTHinG - some (or most) may have to be replaced as well (Such as: songbooks, ceiling tiles, piano, etc.) Other items like, projector, lighting, all wiring,  sound-system, amp, and most all other electronics will definitely have to be replaced. Downstairs - most will be gutted and replaced. After the firemen got a chance to access the possibilites of what could've happened they said, "it would've been much worse had it gotten some more oxygen". Because the fire couldn't get enough oxygen, and because the building was sealed up tight, it began to wane after a while. Thankfully it the fire wasn't any worse! Still, it was bad enough! 

     I'm sure the pastor and church would appreciate your prayers... fire's are huge headaches!! You can pray that the church is united, and grows through this, for transitions in and out of various buildings while it's restored, and for the sanity of the pastor and those directly involved with insurance,etc. This summer I'll be going home to get in some long work hours, but hopefully when I see it in the fall, all will be back to normal again.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Witnessing to Mormons

Have you ever had a Mormon question you about your faith? I know I have! Sometimes it can be rough knowing what to say, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here's a recent paper I submitted that describes, and refutes the Mormon cultist faith. Hopefully this is of help... 
Brief History of Mormonism
            The religion of Mormonism supposedly began many centuries ago when two great nations migrated to the Americas one of which was wicked and the other religious. According to their doctrine, Jesus Christ came over later after his resurrection to preach the gospel to these people. Four hundred years after Christ, a prophet Nephtite wrote down their history on gold plates and buried them, which Joseph Smith later discovered and translated with a seer stone. During this time he never showed them publicly. After they were translated they were transported to heaven by angels. Mormons claim that archaeology has proven the book of Mormon to be true. Yet, none of the 3,200 cities named in the book of Mormon. The Mormons, also known as the Latter Day Saints, claim that they are the restoration of true Christianity. They also believe in the divine prophetic word of prophets (such as LDS Presidents, etc) and a “burning in the bosom” feeling or experience.
Disproving the Mormon Doctrine of Salvation.
            Mormons believe that they are saved through faith and obedience to ordinances of the Mormon Church, and that one cannot have assurance of salvation. The belief is that according to Ephesians 2:8-9, we have been saved by grace not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For a college class I was asked to interview two Mormons. In that interview I noticed they believed that the assurance rested in their “burning in the bosom” and not on scripture. My argument was that a burning in the bosom, or as we call it, a feeling is a possible outflow of that assurance but is not the means to an end. One argument I used in that interview was a presentation of 1 John 5:13, that says, if a person believes in Jesus Christ they can know that they had eternal life without a doubt. I also made the case that you cannot just pull a Scripture, such as this one, out of context and forget about the rest of the Bible – I reminded them that if you want to get to heaven, you must first repent, and then walk in all the light God has given us living according to commandments and such. Most Mormons do not know that they have salvation until judgment.
Disproving the Mormon Doctrine of God.
            Mormons believe that “God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man”. The foundational belief for this is a belief that God has a physical body. However, John 4:24, Luke 24:37-39, and Matthew 16:15-17 refute this by saying that God is a Spirit. They used to believe that Adam created both God and man, but they obviously have changed in doctrine since then which in turn proves their inconsistency. Along with their doctrine of God, they believe that human beings will exist eternally after physical death in one of the three places –heaven on earth, the heaven of the “heavens”, and hell. Part of this belief is that God evolved from mortal man. Lorenzo Snow, a Mormon leader, when speaking of John 3:16, stated, “As man now is, God once was. As God is now, man may become.” The Scripture verses I would use to refute this are the following: Psalm 90:2 – which says that God is everlasting and forever; Mal 3:6 – says that God doesn't change; Numbers 23:19 – says that God is not a man; In fact, even the book of Mormon in Mormon 9:10 refutes this idea.
            Not only do the Mormons believe that God evolved from man, and that as mortal man we can become like God, but they also believe in polytheism. Joseph Smith said, “In the beginning, the head of the gods called a council of the gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and the people in it.” (King Follet Discourse)[1] Scripture refutes this. Isaiah 44:6 says that the LORD is the first and the last and that there is no other God but him. Then in 44:8 He repeats Himself and says: “Is there anyone beside me? Surely no!” In Isaiah 45:18 and 22 He says yet again “I am the LORD who created the heaven and earth and there is none beside me”. Lastly, Isaiah 43:10 which contradicts the belief in polytheism, says, ”I am the only God, before me there was no other and after me there will be no other.” Therefore, it is clear that their key statement that they often use to support their belief in polytheism can be easily disproven with these scriptures.
Other Ways to Disprove Mormonism
            One argument that can be used in disproving Mormonism, is to disprove the extermination of the Nephites. The footnotes in the Book of Mormon suggest that the extermination of the Nephites happened between A.D. 400 and 421. Yet it left no archeological evidence. In contrast, there was a much smaller battle that took place centuries earlier in 1st century A.D. in Palestine that shows what we would expect to find if this battle from the book of Mormon had really occurred. Josephus, a historian, describes a rock in the desert named Masada, where 900 people were besieged by the Romans, all of whom eventually died. Archaeologists identified and excavated it in the 1960’s. What they found was very clear evidence such as coins and houses, proving that these events actually took place there. No civilization can be wiped out in such a way that (even some of) a remnant is no longer left. In Ether 15 in the Book of Mormon, a huge war is described during which millions are massacred. Where is the evidence of this catastrophe? We know that the Hill, Komora was where the last major events in the book of Mormon took place. In Mormon 8:2 we read, “And now it came to pass that after the great and tremendous battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the country southward were hunted by the Lamanites, until they were all destroyed. It goes on and makes an account of about how many died. William Wilson an LDS Anthropologist from Northern Arizona University, stated that, “Each time a new massacre would happen, the book of Mormon records that tens of thousands died. When you add them all up it’s over 250,000 that were left dead”[2]. Yet, when Wilson did excavations in Palmyra, NY he found nothing. If even 50,000 died, archaeologists assumed that they would have found remains of bones in mass burial sites, metal from spears, chariots, etc. In Jerusalem anytime another object is found they begin excavating that site to find more evidence. So why does the Mormon Church not do this in the hill Cumorah in Palmyra, NY.
            There was a man named Thomas Ferguson who endeavored to prove that the book of Mormon was true by going to South America and finding archaeological evidence proving its validity. At that time he was a devout Mormon. “He worked at the anthropology department at Brigham Young University.”[3] “After spending millions of dollars in excavations and research he couldn’t find anything.”[4] He went in a hopeful Mormon, but eventually left the faith and is now excommunicated from the church.
My Humble Conclusion
            Joseph Smith said, “I told the brethren that the book of Mormon was the most correct of any on earth, and the keystone of our religion and that man would get nearer to God by abiding in its precepts than by any other book.”[5] My conclusion is, if the book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth, then we have many other books full of lies. If the people that it talks about did not exist historically, and there is no other evidence of any of the events, then, as the evidence proves, there was no visit of Jesus Christ to the Americas. Therefore, “it then couldn’t be another testament of Jesus Christ”.[6]
            Gordon B. Hickley the late LDS Prophet and President said,
            “As a church we have critics many of them. They say we do not believe in the traditional            Christ of Christianity. There is some substance to what they say. Our faith, our     knowledge, is not based on ancient tradition… Our faith, our knowledge comes of the         witness of a prophet in this dispensation…” (April 2002 General Conference)[7]
            This man is basically saying that he does not believe in the Christian Christ, but in the Christ that Joseph Smith taught. I would recommend that you at least quote this to your Mormon friend, and if he or she gets mad then you say, “This is what your prophet said”. How can they argue against their own prophet? Furthermore, William Wilson a former LDS member and follower, who is now an anthropologist at the Northern Arizona University stated (after reviewing much evidence), “Mormons do not believe in the same Christ”.[8]  Also, Galatians 1:9-12 says,
            As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than           that ye have received, let him be accursed. Or do I now persuade men, or God? For do I     seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. But I             certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I       neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
             I thank God that we have the TRUE story, the one that isn’t flawed. We believe in something that brings and will bring true hope. We need to open our doors to Mormons when they come knocking and expose this cult for what it truly is. This book has been disproven by secular and religious scholars alike. From the historical, archaeological  factual, and biblical evidence, I and many other scholars would agree that the Book of Mormon is only 19th Century Religious fiction. Wouldn’t you agree?
Suggestions when Witnessing to a Mormon
            In closing I would like to give some brief pointers in sharing one’s faith with Mormons, along with the arguments and scriptures that have already shared. When you plan to meet, find a quiet place such as the corner of a coffee shop to meet – it is more conducive to deeper thinking. Also, understand that they will be meeting with you in a suit and tie so dressing in a dressy or casual manner would be appropriate - I wouldn’t recommend jeans and a tee shirt. The last time I offered some Mormons a drink, forgetting that there are some drinks they would not drink, such as those that contain caffeine – so you could instead offer water. Also, when you interact, always remember that you may be arguing for your faith (or theirs), you may be disagreeing with them, you may even get a little red in the face at some of the outlandish things they say – but never forget to love them like Christ! They are people just like you who are in search of truth, whether they outwardly say or show that or not.
            Furthermore, according to Maxwell, it’s a good thing to, “avoid telling Mormons what they believe”. Instead, ask them what their position is on a certain issue. Second, always define your terms. Maxwell said you need to understand that, “Mormonism has accepted Christian terminology while substituting its truth for private definitions”.[9] This is huge! So make sure you know what you’re agreeing to before you agree that both Christianity and Mormonism agree (or differ) theologically on a subject. Know their terms and your own. Finally, use some of the information provided in this essay to refute or bring into question their beliefs.
            In closing, I wish the best to you in your endeavors with Mormons! Keep trying, the truth always prevails in the end.

Works Cited
Discourses, the power of the Holy Ghost."  Journal of, and vol. 3 p. 3 (1856). "False Prophecies/Quotes." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
Faith, their "Articles of, " their "Creeds,  ", and  their. "Orson Pratt, "Authenticity of the Book of Mormon"." BOAP: The Book of Abraham Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
"Joseph Smith's King Follet Sermon." Utah Lighthouse Ministry. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013.
Stanley, Charles. "NO Historical Evidence to Support the Book of Mormon." Introduction to Jesus Christ. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
"The Book of Mormon vs The Bible, Part 3 of an indepth study of Latter Day Saints Archeology - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
Volume, and Issue ». "Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon's Arguments without Being Offensive - LeIsle Jacobson - FARMS Review - Volume 7 - Issue 1." Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .

            MLA formatting by

[1]  Joseph Smith, n.d. (
[2] The Book of Mormon vs. the Bible, n.d. (
[3] C. Stanley, n.d. (
[4] The Book of Mormon vs. the Bible, n.d. (
[5] Discourses, 1856 (
[6] The Book of Mormon vs. the Bible, n.d. (
[7] Discourses, 1856 (
[8] The Book of Mormon vs. the Bible, n.d. (
[9] LeIsle Jacobson, n.d. (

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You Can Mentor


2 Tim 2:2 ~ The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnessesentrust these to faithful Men who will be able to teach others also. 
READING: Mark 3:1-19 
I was privileged to attend the Tokyo 2010 Missions Consultation with my wife, Carolyn. We arrived in Tokyo and on the first day we learned how to ride the subway, we found our hotel and we learned the Japanese words for “goodbye” and “thank you.”
The next day, we met two guys who had just arrived for the consultation. They were so thankful that we could show them how to ride the subway, which train to take, where to get Japanese cash and how to get an umbrella. They assured me it was so much easier to have us as “guides.” I couldn't help but chuckle at the novice mentoring role I was able to play. Here I was a 24-hour newcomer to Japan, yet I could mentor others who were newer than me.
We forget that mentoring is not about being the most accomplished expert. A mentor is simply “someone who has been where you want to go and is willing to tell you how to get there.”
Do you know someone who needs to learn what you know? 
Why not offer to mentor that person? You don’t have to be the world’s greatest. Just offer to share what you know.
Jesus, our Supreme Example, made mentoring a priority. He spent three years pouring Himself into the twelve. They changed the world. Likewise, those you mentor may also change the world.