IF THE CHURCH would be serving people as much as they have been "screaming at people" I don't believe we would be as marginalized as we are now." (Quote from a Preaching Seminar)
If Jesus would have only preached would people have listened and would the disciples have been as faithful? What if Jesus came not to tell everyone they were a bunch of stupid sinners but instead came to serve people, and through that serving, and therefore with greater impact and authority, proclaimed that they were lost and needed "a new Gospel" and that they needed to be reconciled with their God. I would contend that the "gospel was preached" in two ways through the life of Jesus: First, through his life (by serving) ; and Second, through his speech (by proclaiming the new Gospel: Mark 1:14-15; Mat. 9:35). I would argue that today as laymen, and ministers of the gospel, together we need to first serve and then proclaim. Recently I heard about a pastor who offered free gas at the local gas station. The result was a huge impact in the community for Christ. Why? They understood the value of first Serving like Christ and then preaching "with grace and truth". We need to offer the gospel like Christ would. Want appeal? Want to attract more people to your church? Programs are great, but I think selfless service combined with the power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit is even better.
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