Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bonhoeffer's Thoughts About Loving Millennials

Photo by: Catherene MacBride

Today, I decided to pick up this months' Christianity Today magazine from off the library shelf. This months article captivated my attention. I may be working with youth in the future, or may start my own ministry somewhere, so it would be good to keep my ear to the ground and be informed rather than ignorant and dumb. Either way, I do know I'm to help youth find Christ for themselves - whether that's my life calling or now (who knows!). 

In the article by Andrew Root, I took note that once again that we have the wrong focus as thinkers, theologians, and as Christians when viewing the young "milennial" generation of today. It's title, Stop worrying about the Millennials, jumped out at me seeking to remind me the reader that I, "need to learn to love them", instead of worrying about how I'm going to keep them. In the article, one of the greatest thinkers of the 19th century,  Deitrich Bonhoeffer, explained why. 

Bonhoeffer says, 

When he wrote that he was trying to shake up the "accommodating youth movement" and instead remind the church that they were to, "disciple youth so that they constitute the church as they grow older." He believed too many Germans thought the future of the church depended upon very spirited young people. 

One of the reasons I could go into youth ministry was because, "they are the hope of the church". 

I have now realized that is a false statement. The youth, the children, the older people, are not the hope of the church. Bonhoeffer called our fixation with youthfulness - idolatry

Our future depends on Jesus Christ (Period!).

If you and I have an encountering with the Holy Spirit in our lives - homes - churches, specifically through the word of God and the means of grace, young people will want what the body of Christ has to offer! If they see Jesus in our lives - young people will want that. 

He continued by arguing, "Youth ministry is first and foremost a theological task.... first and foremost an encounter of the divine with the human."

Today sadly, theology is often put on the back burner. Instead praise, and "the band" is front and center. Praise/Testimony time is in and the word of God and his Holy Spirit is out.

What young people, or "millennials" as they/we are called, really need is an encounter with God's love, his gracious people, His word and His Spirit. 

"Much of North American Youth Ministry was shaped by the desire to capture and use the spirit of youth". In many ways the christian church can capture the attention and energy till about 17. Then we lose them. Reason? We've stopped loving. We wanted them to join us and keep our church going instead of wanting them to love God to build Gods' kingdom. Initially it's just a few head butts with the young 20 something, but the more it continues and the "less love in action is shown" and the less the "word is gracefully and kindly shared" the more they are driven out. We are to always be lovingly redemptive.

"In loving the youthful spirit of millennial, we actually love not the young person in all his or her peculiarities; instead, we love what having the young person's youthful spirit in our churches can get us. We love the idea of having millennial's in our church, but may not be ready to love the particular young people that come to us in their concrete humanity." We want the person and what they can add, but who wants all the other things.

I'm reminded of John 14:34-35"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." Sadly, today in the church many millennials are driven out because they weren't loved, chased after, and cared for even when they hurt the body of Christ. Loving when I wouldn't love in return was what Christ did for me and you - why not do it for someone else? It's just like human nature to not call, not care, and not visit. Individualism is the American way, but it's the wrong way. 

Today, many 17-28 yr olds are broken, and who need to be selflessly loved.

In summary: 

"Thus the best way to help the church engage millennials is to stop wringing our hands over the millennial problem. Instead, we might seek the Holy Spirit together with all generation, looking for concrete experiences of the presence and absence of God in the lives of the young, confessing our confusion and telling our own stories of God's work in our lives. That's when the Holy Spirit binds and unites us, calling us beyond our generational divided. For in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, millennial nor boomer. 

Maybe your asking the "How" question...
Here's one way the article gave to start living this out.

Stop pleading with young people to read their bibles, and start encouraging young people to read their bibles with older mature Christians who've experienced Christ and know his power. When young people have tried this they became no longer a bunch of "bored millennials", but instead represent concrete persons who also know and love the person Jesus and his word. Other Christian pastors and lay-leaders are doing this - why not us? Give it a try.

To read the original article: Click on this Hyperlink 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Pauline Theology of Pastoral Teaching of Believers

      The role of a Pastor in a local church shouldn't be defined or decided by what’s culturally normal within the local church, by its board members, or by a “church boss”. A pastoral role within the church is one that is clearly outlined for us in scripture. Slightly different from what I originally thought to be true and what may be the general opinion, the pastoral role involves more teaching than preaching. A careful study of the Pastoral Epistles reveals the duties, goals, and content of pastoral teaching, along with the requirements for the man himself.

1.      Why should we teach?

What is the Rationale and Motivations for a Pastoral Teacher? There are many reasons why men choose to be a Pastor. Hopefully, among those are the following… First, God commands it (Eph. 4:11-16; 2 Tim. 2:2). God gave gifts to men to equip them so they could teach in a pastoral–teaching capacity in the local church. Although the “Great Commission” isn’t in Paul’s Epistles it still definitely applies here. It says, “Go and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:20). A command by Jesus to go teach, or educate people about this ‘new life’ that Christ offers. Secondly, we teach because we are to “equip”, “strengthen”, and “encourage” the body of Christ (Romans 12:7). And, finally, although oftentimes a person’s motives can be incorrect, our teaching should flow out of a heart that “loves others” (John 13:35). While our teaching (“works) may be ‘judged’ by man it most assuredly will be judged and reviewed on Judgment day (Col. 1:28) - If that isn’t a good motivation I don’t know what is.

2.      What are the qualifications of a Pastor-Teacher?

They need to be able to discern falsehood from truth (1 Tim. 1:3; 1:7; 6:20; 2 Tim. 2:2; Titus 1:9). Each pastor-teacher should have good judgment, who can tell whether something is false or true and can reason from scripture in a logical and true way and who refutes contrary teaching. Second, those teaching in the church must be men (1 Tim. 2:11). In leadership in the local church, “A woman isn’t to be above a man”. This includes teaching and preaching the scriptures. Thirdly, they must have the abilities of a teacher. They can’t bore people to death. They need to be able to keep some level of interest, in a way that’s edifying and encouraging to the body of Christ (2 Timothy 2:24). Fourthly, they must be mature and not “new converts” (1 Tim. 4:7; 5:17; 2 Tim. 2:15; Acts 20:35). They must be a person of godliness who’s disciplined, who works hard, and who is diligent and teachable. A definite must for a teacher must also be, “without stain” until Christ’s return and who is always “conditioned and ready (1 Tim. 4:16; 6:13-21). And, according to 1 Timothy 4:12 it doesn’t matter his age - that’s of no concern to God - he must seek to be an example in all things. He must be content with the things God gives to him (1 Tim. 6:6-12) and must be a teacher who teaches with wisdom (considers maturity level of the listener and properly adapts to the individuals circumstances or audience) (Col. 1:28). A pastor-teacher must also be appointed by God (1 Cor. 12:28). They are to be good caretakers of the home and wife (1 Tim. 3:1). They must find their confidence in Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 3:1).

3.      What are the intended results or Goals of Pastoral teaching?

Various pastor-teachers have various goals; however, what were Paul’s goals as one of the greatest teachers of all time? His goals included: Shepherding and leading the “flock” so they could “love from a pure heart” and a good conscience and who were sincere and honest in their faith (1 Tim. 1:5; 1 Thess. 4:11). Second, It was to glorify God. Right after Paul finished talking  about the role of teachers, he says “Let God be glorified” (1Tim. 1:17; 1 Cor. 10:31). Third, a goal of good teaching is to point out false teaching, (1 Tim. 4:6) and ultimately to save mankind from hell (1 Tim. 4:16). Another reason is to strengthen believers (Acts 16:4) so they are strong in the faith (Col. 2:7) and who can one day be presented before Christ as “perfect” and “complete” (Col. 1:28; 1 Thess. 4:12). The only way to do this is through “equipping” believers properly (Eph. 4:11). Finally, another end goal and result of our pastoral teaching is so we produce disciples who make disciples. It’s a pastors job is to “entrust the message” to other men who can “entrust it to other” faithful men who also can teach. (1 Tim. 2:2; Matt 28:19-20). 

4.      What Should the Pastor teach and what should be taught first, second, third, etc.?

Paul, when it comes to teaching doctrine and practical application doesn’t miss anything. He was truly a master at covering all the bases and all that needed covering. When he taught it was the “whole counsel of God”. (Acts. 20:20) It included the O.T. and often referred to the O.T. as the “scriptures”, (Rom. 15:4) and when he taught he didn’t do so with impartiality to the text – all that was to be covered by the text was covered whether he thought it would be easy or not. (1 Tim. 5:21) In many of Paul’s Epistles he would begin with doctrinal issues and then branch off into practical application. Noticeable examples of this “shift” occur all throughout the epistles. What he often taught first was the core truths necessary for salvation, and entrance into heaven would often be presented first, then he would teach the best way to apply it. His Doctrinal teaching includes and is not limited to: Teaching about the Second Coming, Resurrection, and the wrath to come (1 Thess. 1:10); Romans itself is mostly doctrinal in nature and includes topics like, justification by faith, sanctification, sin, Spirit-led life, election, relating to civil government, spiritual gifts, teaching that the O.T. was still relevant to today. (1 Thess. 4:2; Acts 15:35) In addition to it was: (Eph 4:21) description helping us “put off the old” and “putting on the new” in Christ Jesus. Paul himself admonishes us to, “teach what (he) Paul or Christ would teach” (1 Tim. 6:3-5) and to not make up some “other gospel”. Practical teaching includes and is not limited to: teaching that results in “discipline for the purpose of godliness”(1 Tim. 4:7), how believers are to deal with widows in the church and beyond. (1 Tim. 5:1), how we are to handle an accusation against an elder or a brother/sister (1 Tim. 5:19-20), how employees are to treat their bosses and fellow employees whether Christian or not (1 Timothy 6:1), and the attitude believers are to have towards this worlds goods (1 Tim. 6:6-8) For those who have a lot of this worlds goods, we are to teach the rich not to put their hope in their riches (1 Tim. 6:17); about, the invariability and inevitability of suffering if we follow Jesus (Acts 14:21-22); That, If anyone refuses to work hard he shouldn’t be allowed to work hard at eating (2 Thess.3:10). In addition to what has been mentioned we are to: Encourage all listening to “share the gospel” with those who will listen (1 Thess. 1:8); people are to be able to discern true from false teaching (Eph. 4:14); ladies are to be taught to be productive and not idle gossips (1 Tim. 5:14); We are to remind believers that the Lord will avenge the defrauded (1 Thess. 4:11); A pastor teacher must also learn Titus 3:14, that if people are to learn they must be taught to “engage in good deeds” in things that are “necessary” and “kingdom building” and “gospel centered” and “God glorifying”. (Titus 3:14). Believers are also to keep steady and stand firm and live pleasing to God. (2 Thess. 2:15; 1 Thess. 4:1); Pastor Teachers are to correct believers in accordance to specific guidelines. (i.e. treat older men with respect, treat the younger as brothers and sisters) (1 Tim. 5:1). They are also to teach or reveal what isn’t to be taught – false doctrine, and are to refute it using sound judgment, wisdom, and scripture (1 Tim. 1:9; 4:1; 6:20; Acts 20:29-31; 1 Thess. 4:6). Not only are they to teach what isn’t to be taught they are also to train others to teach. The words and the lessons that we share is to dwell “so richly” in believers (note: it isn’t exclusive and does not say pastor-teachers) that they “are to be able to teach and admonish” other believers as well and  in addition to pastor-teachers (Col. 3:16). In addition, people are to be taught to measure any teachings they receive against are “the word of Christ” and “teaching that encourages and helps nurture godliness”. And finally, we are to have taught these things consistently (1 Tim. 6:3).

5.      What should a Pastors Method be in Teaching the Word?

Where and the location in which Paul taught is something of interest. Often he would teach in the public (in the synagogues - Acts 19:8-9; 1 Tim. 4:13), in private where fellowship and instruction were had in the same context (house to house - Acts 20:20; cf. 1 Cor. 14:35 Acts 20:7), and to gathered believers in general. (Acts 20)      The way Paul taught was through, personal letters (1 Tim. 3:14; 2 Thess. 3:14), personal messengers (1 Thess. 3; Timothy, Epaphroditus, Phil 2:17; Col. 4), in person, and by life and his testimony (1 Tim. 4:12; 2 Thess. 3:7; 1 Cor. 4:16; Acts 20:35; Phil. 3:17).            Paul taught, much and often. It was weekly (Acts 13), Daily (Acts 19:9), and sometimes night and day (Acts 20:31).                       The sequence that Paul used in Teaching was to: Remind what they’ve learned (2 Tim. 2:11-14; 1 Cor. 4:17), Address current needs, (Gal; 1 Cor.; Philemon), and to address the current maturity level of the audience (i.e. – Compare the audience Ephesus to that of Rome or Thessalonica).
Even though Paul was imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked and nearly killed for the sake of the gospel he still had a gentle side to his rough hide. We to should seek to be gentle and reasonable even in hard circumstances as well. We are to preach and teach with gentleness (1 Thess. 2:7), kindness (2 Tim. 2:24), with patience (2 Tim. 2:24, through appeals and exhorts (Tit. 1:9), commands (1 Tim. 1:3), reasons and reminders (2 Tim. 2:14), as a father would teach a child (1 Thess. 2:11), in a tender way as a mother would teach/train her children (1 Thess. 2:7), and through admonishing (Co. 1:28) Not only that but we should also teach in such a way that doesn’t dishonor us or the ministry or “God’s kingdom”. (1 Tim. 6:1) We are to avoid flattery (1 Thess. 2:5), human eloquence or wisdom (1 Cor. 2:1, 4), and intentional shaming of our fellow believers (1 Cor. 4:14). Behind the scenes a pastors method should always be to working very hard (1 Tim. 5:17) with diligence (2 Tim. 2:15) so we are worthy of our wage whether by physical manual labor or through working through teaching and preaching the word. (1 Thess. 2:9) Our teaching should be sincere (2 Tim. 1:3), and is to be taught in an “urgent/flaming” way (2 Tim. 1:6), is to believers generally (Acts 13) and male leaders specifically (Acts 20; 1 Tim. 2:2).

6.      What is the Relationship between the Role of the Pastoral vs. the role of a Teacher in Pauline Thought?

In Paul’s epistles he differentiates a Preacher, Apostle, Teacher from others in the church. (2 Tim. 1:11; Acts 13:1) They are three separate callings, and yet have the ability, like Paul had, to all be united as one calling. Each has a different function and role. Teaching is a subset of preaching and apostleship (1 Tim. 2:7); preach the word… with instruction (2 Tim. 4:2). But, preaching more often than naught is not a subset of teaching. Paul exhorts Timothy to devote himself to reading (the Scriptures), preaching, and teaching, not one to the exclusion of the other (1 Tim. 4:13). Prophesying results in learning (1 Cor. 14:6; 31), thus it is a form of teaching. The title of the role is Pastor and Teacher (Eph. 4:11) Teaching figures prominently in the role. In most of the Pastoral Epistles teaching is emphasized. For example: 1 Tim. 4:11 – command and teach these things; 1 Tim. 6:2 – teach and exhort these things; 1 Tim. 5:17 – those who work in the word and teaching.

7.      What is Relationship of the Great Commission to Pastoral Teaching Responsibilities?

The Great commission really is referring to the broad “scope” of teaching believers. In Matthew 28:18-19 Christ says to his disciples, “Go make disciples of all nations”. In Jesus last moments on earth with His disciples He reminded them to go into all the world teaching them  all  things and that all Christ taught them. Pastoral teaching is universal –it’s to and for all. Pastoral teaching should include anything that would be within the will of God. The full scope of our teaching is that it can leave an eternal impact. Our teaching should be that of encouraging, equipping, and admonishing believers and unbelievers alike to someday be able to, “face Christ without shame or sorrow”.
8.      How has preparing this Essay Helped Me as a Future Pastor/Teacher?
First, it’s helped me to see the big picture. Preaching isn’t about miming a few words, or being a “mouthpiece” for God – although that’s one of the purposes, it’s so much more than that. It’s a calling. It’s something God still calls people to do that involves, teaching, witnessing, preaching, loving, caring, encouraging, and nurturing the body. Teaching the word isn’t and should never be stale and stagnant – it should be “alive and breathing” so to encourage change in the believer so they are “prepared for every good work” and can be presented before the Father “blameless”. Second and finally, It’s given me more of an awe for the ministry. I now respect the ministry more than I did before. Now only do I respect the office of pastor teacher it but I even have a little holy fear somewhat. God’s requirements for the teacher in the church is nothing but high.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Homeless, The Hurting - Ways to Understand and Help

     HAVE YOU ever slept under a bridge? Do you know what it feels like to sleep on cardboard? Have you gone hungry for more than 24-hrs before? In America today it's said that there is over 1,750,000 homeless people, and 31,000,000 Americans who live, "in hunger or on the edge of hunger".


     RECENTLY my cousin Jessica Smith and I were downtown playing tennis. We were about to finish up our game when we noticed a lady walking beside the courts and into the woods nearby. Because we figured there weren't any "nature walks" in that section of the park, we wondered who the person was and what they were doing. Like anyone, we were quite curious. A few serves later, the lady returns and walks back by the tennis courts, this time in a complete change of clothes, and holding an empty water bottle. She filled up her water bottle and returned to her quiet hideaway. Needless to say, we finished our game, and I went to investigate while Jessica cleaned up our tennis balls. After crawling through what appeared to be a simple deer trail, I rounded a corner and saw what I expected to see - a cardboard flat, shower curtain for a tent, and plastic bins with a few meager personal belongings. I left, gripped by what I had seen and disturbed by the answers to life that evaded me.

     JESSICA AND I returned to the tennis court about a half hour later, both putting together what few snacks and extra things we had, zipped up in an old carrying bag. After intentionally being quiet in order to purposefully surprise her so she wouldn't be all defensive and "beggy" we exchanged greetings with her. Her name was Sara*. Two weeks ago she lost her waitressing job. Soon after her boyfriend kicked her out because she couldn't pay her half of the rent. We had never heard an "actual homeless person's story" of how they became homeless. We didn't know what to say or how to respond. But we did know we could pray. We prayed, "Dear God, help this lady Sara* to find a job, and find you, the One who can bring hope and healing back to her hurting heart. Lord, thank you for how you have loved us and reached out to us in ways that we needed it. Thank you that you love us so much that you, "sent not your son into the world to bring condemnation but healing." Restore your friendship with her and keep us all close to you. Lord, find her a good job. In Jesus name, Amen." After the prayer, I asked her if she needed anything else; her reply was, "well it's cold at night." A sleeping bag would be nice." Thankfully, I had one in my car and gave it to her. Eventually, after exchanging goodbyes we left wondering how we could help and pray. We knew sharing her location
wasn't an option since the local authorities would probably then come and move her to a different

     THIS "encounter" helped me realize once again how broken and in need we all are... Many out their are broken and in need of assistance. A help up can sometimes look like the weirdest things but are necessary.

Note: If  you have anything you'd like to donate to Sara let Jessica or myself know and we'd be glad to take it to her. Jessica will continue to check up on her throughout the summer.

(*her actual name has been changed to Sara to protect her identity)


     I'VE BEEN asking myself the question from that "encounter" on... How do I effectively reach the homeless I do come in contact with? Here's an excerpt from the book I'm reading entitled, "Under the Overpass" by Mike Yankoski. It is related to my recent post entitled, "Preach, Serve, Repeat", and may shed some light on this subject.
"Every night about 150 ragged and torn men and women would pile into the chapel to listen to the mandatory service (at the rescue mission). The rule there, was you go to chapel before you get dinner. Everyone was dirty, hungry, desperate and broken. Pretty much everyone on the platform was not. Few would offer amens, many slept, and most just waited it out. After a full hour the air in the room was rank, especially if it had been raining as it often did on summer evenings. Typically, a group from a local church with a heart for inner city outreach would come down to lead the service. Most groups would stand in front, obviously nervous, to sing four or five worship songs. The speaker would then deliver the message. THE THEME rarely varied and always began with bad news. For example, a speaker might begin with Romans 6:23 - "the wages of sin is death" and continue with vivid descriptions of suffering in hell. I couldn't help but wondering why speakers focused on the, "hell, fire, and damnation" theme and so little on hope, you, love, peace, or really anything positive."
 Did speakers assume that to be homeless or addicted means that you are definitely on the road to hell and the only way to reach these people is through scare tactics? THINK about it: If you see someone dangling precariously off a cliff would you warn him about the danger of falling to his death? Or would you instead throw him a rope. There's a big difference. For some the rope of safety will come through a warm meal, while for others it might be a sermon, or a letter of admonishment. OUR GOOD INTENTIONS AND SOUND THEOLOGY are WASTED if those we minister to don't feel that we care about their immediate concerns! JESUS offered thundering warnings of suffering and condemnation to those who were healthy and didn't recognize their own neediness. TO the weak, and sin-bound he had ANOTHER message: "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened." (Matt. 11:28) The author continued by saying, "SADLY twenty out of the twenty six chapel services that I was in focused on hell, condemnation, sin, and eternal suffering. All are important... but are they the most appropriate to focus on with such a physically needy group?"


     WE NEED to have the kind of attitude that Jesus would have! We need to be ready to offer help, love, healing, and grace as well as be just as ready to offer a sermon on hell if it's appropriate. We need to offer both love and mercy to those rejected and outcast, and eventually help them come to a whole message that Christ offers - one that spills forth selfless living and a grace enabled life.
    AS AMERICANS we are inclined to want to be different, to do it the way no one on planet earth has done it before. Many Americans are all about the big "I". Might I suggest to you that we need to start thinking about others for a change instead of our own happy pursuits... We need to begin thinking biblically. What about this decision, this thought, this money, etc. - how can it be done/used for the upbuilding of God's Kingdom here on earth?  My "encounter" was a wake up call to me to stop thinking about going on a short term missions trip every few years - although that may still come to pass - and instead be the hands and feet of Christ here in America where He has planted me to currently serve. This could mean, helping those I come in contact with by sharing what I have and what I know - the Gospel) I know for me it's a huge tendency to think about the poverty stricken children/families in third world countries in other parts of the world. But what about our own country with all ITS problems?  My Suggestion: First: Live. Second: share/help. Third: give.


  •     Do treat them like you would want them to be treated! (i.e. DON'T always be looking the other way as if they are trash. They are people just like you and me with needs, desires, and feelings.)
  • Do not give them money unless you know they'll use it for something good such as a haircut, new backpack, extra food. Keep in mind it takes time with a person to find their true need.
  •  Do help them,  but in tangible ways. Like I mentioned above... some things like just having a hair cut will help them feel better than money ever will. The way we are externally can affect us deeply internally. Other ways may include, buy them dinner at Hardees, and sign them up at a local Rescue Mission.
  • Do share the gospel in love! At the right time preach the message of God's forgiveness and restoring grace. It's not a time for a message on holiness or hell or the justice of God. How absurd! We as humans remember more critical statements than loving statements. The abused and rejected need even more of an abundance of love poured into their life if they will ever change.
  • Finally, educate yourself. (i.e. read the book "Under the Overpass" by Mike Yankoski) Take a homeless person or needy person out to eat sometime. You may be shocked by what you discover. People can often open up more around the dinner table than anywhere else.

Any comments? Was this Helpful? How have you been able to help the homeless and hurting "see" Christ through the love you give and the gospel you preach?

A disclaimer - I'm still finishing the book; So hopefully I'll comment on this post later with better suggestions but based on my own experiences with homeless people here in Cincinnati - It's sound advice. Also, about the spelling errors - I didn't have spell check on the computer I was typing on.
(Last edited on 1/31/15 by AQ/JP)